
Friday, April 24, 2020

Another beautiful day

The weather is just as I like it at the moment, sunny but cool with a breeze, although the tall walls in my garden make it less breezy than elsewhere. Yesterday I put in my strawberry plants when they arrived. I have now received my liquorice seeds, and the ancient seeds I have ordered for old breeds of edible plants.  I'm looking for perennial plants which will have a long growing season. They're in quarantine for 24 hours. I'm probably going to have to wait for my compost to arrive to plant some of them... and some need to be planted and then put in the fridge.

My tomato plants are growing on a windowsill at the moment.  I got excited when I saw my onion seedlings have started to sprout. I have spring onions and onions in seed trays (actually repurposed egg boxes) on windowsills and on a table. I am becoming more and more convinced that we should be gardening - the UK only grows 50% of its food at the moment, and what with Brexit and the coronavirus, we need to be able to grow more. It makes sense for all of us to be growing as much as we can, to leave food in the shops for those who can grow their own.

I'm feeling a bit ashamed about how much I let my garden grow wild while I was away and then grieving last year, although the hum of the bees in the morning makes me feel better.  I may not be using the space - yet, but I am giving the bees things to visit - honesty, dandelions and bluebells at the moment.

One of the unexpected benefits of the lockdown is how good my children are at cookery!  My daughter made a beautiful cheesecake overnight, and I am looking forward to a slice of it later today. My son has been cooking us chicken curries which have been a revelation.  I don't know why I've been cooking the curries or leaving it to the co-op (theirs are very good) when I have a master curry chef in the house!

Cosmo Sheldrake released a new song a couple of days ago. I love his music, and have bought his records. I think this piece is very calming, and it incorporates beautiful film of the bluebell woods, and the song of birds which are endangered. Enjoy!

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